"I am 7 years old and I am in the back of my parents' car on the road from Fez to Rabat.
It is the day after the sheep festival. The roads are deserted.
It is very hot.
A man blocks our way. His arms crossed.
He is covered from head to toe in sheep skins and blood.
I ask: what is this?
My parents say: it’s Boujloud."
Boujloud: Man of Skins addresses the subject of abuse and incest, through the concrete questions that arise for those who decide to break the silence and speak out. Berrada questions: how do we make ourselves heard? Is there an appropriate time to share experiences of abuse, to be heard and listened to?
Kenza Berrada - BOUJLOUD, Man of Skins
📌 18, 19 February 2023
Live Art Network Africa Gathering
performances | film screenings | panels | website launch
16-19 February 2023
@kenza_berrada_c @lesrencontresalechelle @instituteforcreativearts_uct #kumquatperformingarts #theater #theatre #théâtre #desmotsalascene #desmotsàlascène #performance #performingarts @if_officiel @afac.fund